
Zero Day Startup

Build your app idea today


Tech stack:

Next.js 15 + React 19
Next Auth 5
Abstract Metal

Ideal for

Abstract Metal



Paying a PRO $1000 USD
per day
would cost...

  • Project Setup - $1K
  • UI Design - $K
  • Frontend Development - $3K
  • Database Integration - $2k
  • Authentication Integration - $2K
  • Payment Integration - $3K
  • Email Marketing - $1K
  • Hosting + Deployment - $1K
  • Basic SEO - $1K
  • Social Integration - $1K
more than$15,000USD
Zero Day Startup takes away the setup headaches, so you can focus on building the product.
Abstract Metal

Build your startup with confidence in hours.

Sign up for early access to
Zero Day Startup!


Frequently Asked Questions

What\'s included?

When you purchase Zero Day Startup Low Code Starter Kit, you recieve a NextJS boilerplate template, which allows you to go to market with your startup idea within hours. You simply plug in the services that you choose to use (e.b.Mongo, Stripe, Google etc).

You also get access to the included support docs, which are actively updated to answer all your qeustions, or simply email through your question.

Can I get a refund?

No. Zero Day Startup code and assets are entrusted to you as a developer upon purchase, so refunds can\'t be issued.

It\'s best to look through the docs and examples to make sure Zero Day Startup is right for you, and you\'re ready to go to market with your idea within hours or days, before purchasing.

Will you build my app for me?

No. Zero Day Startup is designed for Indie Developers and Business Operators who know how to code. Well... down the track we\'ll provide a one time setup service, as an optional part of the service.

Zero Day Startup Starter Kit is a dev setup created by devs for devs and startup foudners who can code even if it\'s a cut and paste ability.

Ideally, we want to empower those who use Zero Day StartupStarter Kit to be able to bring your ideas to life and self serve on this starter journey that you\'re embarking upon.

About Zero Day Startup

Bring your product to market in hours, not days or weeks.

Zero Day Startup is the fastwst way to start validating your business idea to potential customers.

Zero Day Startup allows you to write as much or as little code as you like. Powered by Next Auth 5 and Next.js 15 + React 19 with your choice of Stripe or MongoDB.